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Eve-Move is an SME specialized in electric vehicle (EV) chargers which offers comprehensive services including supply, installation, maintenance, and operation of EV charging stations. They provide a range of chargers suitable for different needs, from residential units to commercial and public charging stations. The installation service ensures proper setup and compliance with safety standards. Regular maintenance services maximize charger uptime and performance, while the operation service includes monitoring and managing the chargers to ensure efficient use. Their expertise supports the growing EV market, helping customers transition to sustainable transportation with reliable charging infrastructure. 


Eve-Move has successfully installed over 10 EV chargers across key locations in Montevideo, Canelones and Punta del Este, including shopping malls, office complexes, and residential areas. They partnered with local governments to equip public parking lots with fast chargers, enhancing urban mobility. Their maintenance team achieved a high uptime rate, ensuring reliable service for EV users. They also launched an innovative mobile app for real-time monitoring and booking of charging stations. Additionally, they collaborated with renewable energy providers to power chargers with green energy, reducing carbon footprints. Their efforts have significantly contributed to the city’s sustainable transportation infrastructure and interoperability. 


This SME stands out for its innovative solutions in the EV charging sector. They developed a proprietary smart charging technology that optimizes energy use, reducing costs and grid impact. Their chargers are equipped with advanced diagnostics for proactive maintenance, minimizing downtime. They introduced a user-friendly mobile app that not only facilitates real-time monitoring and booking of chargers but also offers personalized charging recommendations based on driving habits. The company’s integration of solar panels with EV chargers demonstrates their commitment to renewable energy. These innovations position them as leaders in promoting efficient and sustainable electric vehicle infrastructure. 


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875041. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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