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2021: Latin America regional training program

SOLUTIONSplus Latin America Regional Training Program 2021 
Light Electric Mobility: Challenges and Opportunities

Program structure
The SOLUTIONSplus Latin America Regional Training 2021 consists of two modules of 1-week each. Each module includes four thematic units presented in 2-hour webinar sessions and a final 1-hour interactive session. Each session will consist of a theoretical part, the presentation of case studies from Europe and Latin America and a Q&A section, in which the speakers will respond to the questions of the audience. Participants can choose to attend individual sessions depending on their time availability and interest. However, a participation certificate will only be extended to those attending at least 80% of the units of a module. 
Language: Spanish

Module 1- Regulatory framework for electric vehicles
Dates: September 20th – 24th, 2021

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In Latin America, given the significant growth this market is experiencing, electric mobility poses a series of challenges related to planning and regulation that go far beyond the mere electrification of cars. Given this context, this module presents in five units, some relevant regulatory elements, aimed at being a first-order input when it comes to tracing the path of electric mobility in the Latin American region.

Módulo 1- Marco regulatorio para vehículos eléctricos
Fechas: Del 20 al 24 de septiembre de 2021

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En América Latina, dado el importante crecimiento que está experimentando este mercado, la movilidad eléctrica plantea una serie de retos relacionados con la planificación y la regulación que van mucho más allá de la simple electrificación de los automóviles. Ante este contexto, este módulo presenta en cinco unidades, algunos elementos regulatorios relevantes, que pretenden ser un insumo de primer orden a la hora de trazar el camino hacia la movilidad eléctrica en la región latinoamericana.

Module 2- Planning for low-carbon urban logistics
Dates: October 18th – 22nd, 2021

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In the transport sector, freight vehicles are highly pollutant, which is particularly problematic in urban areas with high population density and where air quality is already compromised. In that context, this module presents e-mobility as an opportunity for decarbonizing urban logistics and more specifically for last-mile delivery. In five units, the module goes from general topics on urban logistics to more specific issues around urban planning and the implementation of e-mobility solutions for last mile logistics.

Módulo 2: Logística urbana baja en carbono 
Fechas: 18 - 22 de octubre de 2021

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Los vehículos de transporte de mercancías son altamente contaminantes, lo que resulta especialmente problemático en zonas urbanas con alta densidad de población y donde la calidad del aire ya está comprometida. En ese contexto, este módulo presenta la e-movilidad como una oportunidad para descarbonizar la logística urbana y, más concretamente, para la logística de última milla. En cinco unidades, el módulo pasa de temas generales sobre logística urbana a cuestiones más específicas en torno a la planificación urbana y la implementación de soluciones de e-movilidad para la logística de última milla.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875041. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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