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Loca Company Limited

LOCA Mobility Ecosystem is revolutionizing transportation in Laos and Mekong region. Its platform offers an eco-friendly electric vehicle (EV) fleet, supported by a comprehensive EV infrastructure, significantly reducing carbon emissions, and promoting sustainability. 


LOCA Mobility Ecosystem is making significant strides in transforming Laos’s transportation landscape. As a leader in eco-friendly mobility, LOCA and its strategic partners – E-sarn Technical College (ETC) in Thailand and Sustainable Design of Urban Mobility in Middle-Sized Metropolitan Regions in ASEAN (SMMR) are committed to expanding its reach and reducing environmental impacts in the region. Key achievements and future goals include: 


  • Current EV Fleet: 370 electric vehicles (and growing) in Laos. 

  • Expansion Goal: Aiming for 2,500 EVs by 2030. 

  • EV Mileage: Over 1,500,000 km served to more than 50,000 customers via EVs. 

  • EV Driver Mileage: Almost 3,000,000 km driven total. 

  • CO2 Emissions Reduction: More than 350,000 kg of CO2 saved. 

  • Electric 3-Wheelers: Integration of LOCA app with e3W service in Udon Thani under the SOLUTIONSplus project. 

  • Projected Impact by 2030: Estimated reduction of 3,000,000 kg of CO2 annually. 



LOCA Mobility Ecosystem stands out for its self-sufficient approach. They builttheir own payment system, invested in EV infrastructure and financing, and evendeveloped unique electric vehicles. This creates a seamless user experienceand positions LOCA as a leader in sustainable mobility. Their expansion plansaim to reach millions across the Mekong Region by 2030, making a significantimpact on ASEAN’s sustainable transportation landscape.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875041. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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