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Demonstration City: Montevideo


Tools and different types of knowledge products on low-carbon urban logistics, cycle logistics, light electric vehicles (LEV), charging infrastructure, batteries and e-buses were incorporated in the SOLUTIONSplus online toolbox and shared with the city, addressing the knowledge gaps identified in the course of the project.


A total of four modules were conducted in the Regional Training Programs of 2021 and 2022, addressing the gaps identified in the Technical Needs Assessment carried out in 2020. i.e., 1) low-carbon urban logistics, 2) LEV regulations, 3) charging infrastructure, and 4) e-buses. Montevideo not only benefited from the content presented, but was able to share initiatives that public and private actors are pushing forward in the city (e.g.: the charging infrastructure network and business models for e-mobility).  

Between July 2nd and 8th, 2022, a SOLUTIONSplus delegation (WI, FIER and UEMI) joined the local team and held a series of meetings and workshops, where topics such as e-buses, charging infrastructure and multimodal charging were discussed with members of national and local entities, as well as with private stakeholders. 

Additionally, Montevideo benefited from its participation in other SOLUTIONSplus CB instances, such us virtual and on-site P2P exchanges, site visits, expert advisory boards and international conferences related to e-bike sharing systems, low-carbon urban logistics, last-mile connectivity and e-buses.


In Montevideo, the start-ups CargoBikeUY (5 e-cargo bikes), Wheele (3 e-cargo bikes) and GreenStar (2 e-tricycles and 2 e-quadricycles) received seed funding for the local design and assembly of different types of LEV, mainly for logistics. GreenStar will receive 2 Valeo drivetrains in a kit to be easily integrated in the e-quadricycles. In addition, PEM Motion, one of the companies selected in the 1st EU Innovators Call supported CargoBikeUY and GreenStar in the vehicle design. The 8 e-cargo bikes and 2 e-tricycles are finalised, pending only the 2 e-quadricycles. The second EU Innovators Call will focus on supporting the consolidation of Montevideo’s charging ecosystem and the retrofitting of utility vehicles. Finally, SOLUTIONSplus supported the city with the elaboration of a pre-feasibility study for the electrification of 1 bus line connected to the Ciudadela Terminal.


Component 1: Multimodal charging hub in Ciudadela Terminal

On July 6th, 2022, SOLUTIONSplus and the Julio Ricaldoni Foundation (FJR), one of the local partners of the project, hosted an event to present the progress towards implementation of the two components of SOLUTIONSplus in Uruguay and to launch the LEV prototypes locally produced by 3 Uruguayan companies. The presentation was followed by a workshop with the national and local authorities to discuss the actions needed to scale-up the previously implemented initiatives related to e-mobility. 

On July 7th, 2022, the SOLUTIONSplus delegation that was on the ground (FIER, WI, UEMI) joined the Municipality (IM) and the Public Utility Company (UTE) teams in the Ciudadela Terminal for a site visit that was followed by a working session in the IM to discuss the details and next steps of the implementation. At present, the procurement process for the works that need to be conducted in the Terminal will be launched soon and the e-taxi chargers needed have been secured via the 2nd EU Innovators Call. Additionally, the local team is in conversations with UTE and Effiza, a local charging company, for the implementation and operation of the e-bus chargers and LEV charging options.


Component 2: Urban logistics

The urban logistics component was carried out with the support of the MOVÉS Project of the Ministry of Industry and Energy (MIEM) and the Julio Ricaldoni Foundation (FJR), two local initiatives pushing forward low-carbon mobility in Uruguay. For the pilot, two e-cargo bikes, one of each manufacturer, were introduced in the operations of PedidosYA, the Latin American subsidiary of Delivery Hero, for a period of two weeks (December 14th to 23rd, 2022). In these 2 weeks, 156 trips were made, 90 packages delivered with a total weight of 135 kg, and 187 km travelled. As a result, 86 kg CO2e were avoided. 

Preliminary Results



The SOLUTIONSplus project in Uruguay is focusing its efforts on building a strong collaboration between local and European companies with the aim of consolidating the charging ecosystem needed for the scale-up of e-mobility in the country. Another important aspect in which the project has been in discussions with the local stakeholders is in the set-up of a national capacity building program on e-mobility for all education levels, which is in line with the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Fund in Latin America that will focus on the energy transition in Uruguay. These aspects are reflected in the City Roadmap for Montevideo and will be presented in the scale-up concept. 


Factsheet Montevideo


Factsheet Montevideo Spanish

Presentations Montevideo

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User Needs Assessment

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SOLUTIONSplus Batteries Training Day5
SOLUTIONSplus Batteries Training Day3
SOLUTIONSplus Batteries Training 1
SOLUTIONSplus Batteries Training 2



Montevideo and Quito are the two cities in Latin America in which the SOLUTIONSplus project is being implemented. In both cities, one of the components of the pilots has been the introduction of Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) in urban logistics to be able to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality, especially for last mile trips. Besides the provision of seed funding for the local design and assembly of innovative LEV concepts, the SOLUTIONSplus project has been supporting the local actors by providing capacity building, technical support related to business model development, innovation management, advisory services and in some cases even European vehicle components, as part of its Start-up Incubator and matchmaking program. In this context, the second module of the SOLUTIONSplus Regional Training for Latin America 2021, that took place in September and October 2021, focused on low-carbon urban logistics and regulations for LEV. Moreover, Valeo, one of the SOL+ consortium members will provide drivetrains to two of the start-ups selected for funding, Sidertech in Quito and GreenStar in Montevideo. Finally, in the context of the SOLUTIONSplus European Innovators Call, PEM Motion was selected to provide support to four Latin American start-ups, two in each city, in the design and engineering of the vehicles. ​​




Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay with a population of 1.3 million inhabitants presents important opportunities for improvement in relation to the electrification of transport, both in relation to passenger and freight transport. In relation to public transport (PT), the national government has undergone important efforts to refocus the refocus the PT subsidy to cover the difference in the upfront investment costs of e-buses. However, the percentage of electric buses is still marginal (less than 1%). Thus, the electrification of the PT fleet still has a long way to go. In relation to the transport of goods, there has been a significant increase in delivery services, which are carried out using mainly ICE motorcycles. In this sense, there is a very important opportunity for electrification, which could contribute not only to the mitigation of GHG emissions, but also to a reduction of the air and noise pollution and road safety accidents associated with this type of deliveries.


Since 2020, SOLUTIONSplus has been collaborating with local initiatives and stakeholders such as the MOVÉS Project and the Ricaldoni Foundation (FJR) to provide seed funding for the local design and assembly of light electric vehicles for urban logistics. In November 2020, SOLUTIONSplus launched the first call in partnership with MOVÉS, a national project funded by the GEF-6 that promotes electric and sustainable mobility in Uruguay, for the design of Light Electric Freight Vehicles (LEFV). The second call to support for the vehicle prototyping and manufacturing of the vehicle designs approved in the first phase was launched in December 2021 in partnership with the FJR, a non-profit organization that belongs to the Faculty of Engineering of the public university of Uruguay (UDELAR).


Among the selected companies, there are two companies that are manufacturing pedal-assisted electric bicycles for delivery, which are CargoBike and Wheele. On the other hand, the GreenStar is working in the design and assembly of electric tricycles and quadricycles. The latter will be provided Valeo electric drivetrains as part of the collaboration with SOLUTIONSplus.


The total number of LEV being produced in the context of the SOLUTIONSplus project is 12, distributed in the following categories:

Total e-tricycles: 2

Total e-quadricycles: 2

Total pedal-assisted e-cargo bikes: 8


The images below present a summary of the prototypes, indicating the corresponding companies in each case.

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At present, 3 out of 4 prototypes are ready and the 3 participating companies are starting the production of the vehicles awarded. Here, the technical advice of PEM Motion will be key to integrate any improvements related to the performance and safety of the vehicles. The next step is to launch the vehicles in a public event (in cooperation with Movés and FJR) and try to match them with Uruguayan companies which could be interested in the testing of such vehicles, intended for urban logistics.


Besides the local vehicle design and assembly component, a cooperation instance is under way between GreenStar, the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) and the Faculty of Engineering of the public university of Uruguay (UDELAR) for the manufacture of a second-life battery pack that is being locally manufactured, and will be tested in one of GreenStar's electric vehicles.


In addition, the linkage to the main component of the project in Montevideo, I.e., e-bus charging infrastructure in the Ciudadela Terminal, is planned through the installation of LEV charging points, outside the bus terminal. This integration is being analyzed jointly with the Municipality of Montevideo (IM) and the Uruguayan Utility Company (UTE), to generate an architecture and engineering project that incorporates chargers for different types of vehicles in the Terminal, in order to turn it into a multi-modal charging hub.

Montevideo Kick-off

On July 6th. the results of the SolutionsPlus project were presented in Montevideo, Uruguay, where the progress of Component 1 and Component 2 were shown. Component 1 - conducted with the power utility company UTE and the Municipality of Montevideo - shows important advances at the design level of the multimodal charging node in the Ciudadela Terminal in Montevideo. Component 2 has already finished the local produced prototypes (exhibited in the showroom), being the vehicle testing and assessment conducted in the coming weeks.


COMPONENT 1: multimodal charging hub for e-buses, e-taxis and light electric vehicles in the Ciudadela Terminal of Montevideo City.

The approach/ innovative aspect: 

• Support for the construction of a pilot multimodal charging hub for e-buses, e-taxis and light electric vehicles, which will feature smart charging solutions that are compliant with CCS-2, OCPP, and other standards. 

• Charging solutions will allow overnight and opportunity charging for electric buses inside the Ciudadela Terminal, and e-taxis and light electric vehicles in one side of its border. 

• Charging points to serve e-taxis during the day, which will have access to the 43 AC kW charging points, as well as charging points for light electric vehicles (16 Amps.)  

• Provision of founds for the improvement of terminal infrastructure and project management for the installation of charging infrastructure. 



• Support and project management to the integration of multi-standard fast chargers in the multimodal charging hub in the Ciudadela Terminal 

• Invitation to the Public Utility Company (UTE) to be part in the project 

• Definitions about the infrastructure improvements, such as facilities and pavements. 


Fact and figures  

• Over 95% of the electricity generated in Uruguay comes from renewable sources  

• Fifty-five percent (55%) of the fuel combustion-related GHGs in Uruguay are from the transport sector  

• The light-duty vehicle fleet in the country has been exponentially growing in the recent 5 past years. 

COMPONENT 2: local manufacturing of light electric vehicles

E-mobility pilots 2nd. Component - Local Manufacturing of LEVs for Urban Logistics  

Status of the demo: three local manufacturers have already prototyped their vehicles --> CargoBike / Wheele / GreenStar 

CargoBike status: 

  • 5 vehicles in total  

  • 3 prototypes already finished  

  • 2 vehicles in progress  

Wheele status: 

  • 3 vehicles in total  

  • 1 prototypes already finished  

  • 2 vehicles in progress  

GreenStar status: 

  • 2 tricycles + 2 quadricycles  

  • 1 prototype (tricycle) already finished  

  • 1 tricycle in progress + 2 quadricycles pending  

  • Waiting for Valeo powertrains  


 Designed test pilots for e-cargo bikes:  

  • Local counterpart for testings: National Directory of Energy 

  • Final users: (women NGO)  

  • Intended use of vehicles: Delivery&post services  

  • Type of vehicles: e-cargo bikes  

  • 3 selected cities  

  • 3+2 months for testings (depending on the end of the manufacture)  

  • 4 vehicles will be tested  

  • First pilot city: Paso de los Toros - Urguay  

  • Population: 15.000 people  

  • One rider per bike.  

  • All trips will be monitored via app, gathering relevant information (km traveled, kWh, etc.).  


A final suvey per rider will be conducted.  Main topics of the final survey:  

  • Purpose of the trip  

  • Frequency of trips  

  • Multimodal trips / combinations  

  • Time & hours of services  

  • Users experience  

  • Evaluation of the mobility service before and after SOL+ pilot  

  • How the user was aware about the SOL+ vehicles  

  • Background questions (age, gender)  


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875041. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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