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Project Resources

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Project brochure (Update)
June 2024

transformative Living Labs

Start-up brochure (Update)

June 2024

Start-up brochure

Project Brochure (Update)

February 2023

SOLUTIONSplus transformative Living Labs

Start-up Brochure 
October 2021

Start-up brochure

Elisa Todesco, ERTICO, Carmela Canonico, ERTICO, Edmund Teko, UEMI, Judith Adem Owigar, UN-Habitat Emily Martin, UEMI, Shritu Shrestha, Wuppertal Institute Alvin Mejia, Wuppertal Institute, Maria Rosa Munoz, Wuppertal Institute Juan Carriquiry, UEMI

Project Brochure 
October 2020

Project brochure

Oliver Lah, Alvin Mejia

Project Deliverables

Work Package 1

D1.1 Toolbox for efficient e-mobility

June 2020

D1.2 Evaluation Framework user needs and data requirements

December 2021

D1.3 User Needs Assessment

October 2020

D1.4 Data collection plan

March 2021

D1.5 Data Storage Repository

June 2020

D1.6 Impact assessments results

April 2023

Project Deliverables

Work Package 2

D2.1 Capacity Building Plan

May 2020

D2.2 Capacity Building Tools and Updates

December 2020

D2.3 Peer-to-peer Capacity Building on EV innovations

October 2020

D2.4 Regional training activity report

December 2021

D2.5 Global Trainings, Community of practice, e-learning

June 2023

D2.6 Collection of Good Practices

June 2023

Project Deliverables

Work Package 3

D3.1 Catalogue of e-mobility solutions

September 2020

D3.2 Collaboration framework

June 2021

D3.3 Business opportunities and partnerships

December 2021

D3.4 Global competitiveness report on electric mobility solutions

December 2022

D3.5 8-10 Business plans

December 2022

D3.6 Business models

June 2023

D3.7 Technical specification for Demo Actions

October 2020

D3.8 Standardisation and harmonisation specifications related to demo actions

December 2021

D3.9 Start-up summary report

December 2021

Project Deliverables

Work Package 4

D4.1 Nine Demo Implementation Plans

June 2020

D4.2 Demonstration actions - Living labs

December 2020

D4.3 Replication

April 2023

D4.4 Planning and implementation support, user acceptance

April 2023

Project Deliverables

Work Package 5

D5.1 Development of concept and prefeasibility studies

December 2022

D5.2 Policy development and institutionalisation

December 2022

D5.3 Facilitation of funding, financing and procurement

December 2022

Project Deliverables

Work Package 6

D6.1 Dissemination and exploration

December 2020

D6.2 Exploitation

December 2020

D6.3 Dissemination and Communication

December 2021


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875041. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

©2024 by UEMI gGmbH

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