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SOLUTIONSplus Publications

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Capturing Highlights

2020 - 2024

Year: 2024

Authors:  SOL+ Partners

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SOLUTIONSplus Start-ups: Summary and Business Concepts

Year: 2024

Authors:  SOL+ Partners

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Impact Assessment Result: Hanoi, Vietnam

Year: 2024

Authors: Bachtijar Ashari, Alexandre Curley, Eric Tol, Bas Veldman, Hang Bui Thi, Hien Nguyen Thi Thu

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Impact Assessment Results: Pasig, Philippines

Year: 2024

Authors:  Naressa Saripada, Reginald Ting, Myron Alcanzare, Raymund Abad, Angelica Camacho, Dorothy Mae Dumawal

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Impact Assessment Result: Montevideo, Uruguay

Year: 2024

Authors: Eetu Wallius, Elina Aittoniemi, Juan Carriquiry, Maria Rosa Munoz, Merja Penttinen, Anne Silla, Guilhermina Torrao, Anu Tuominen

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Impact Assessment Results: Madrid, Spain

Year: 2024

Authors: Stefan Werland, Sergio Fernandez Balaguer, Alois Steiner

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Impact Assessment Result: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Year: 2024

Authors: Marc Hasselwander, Mirko Goletz, Emilie Martin

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Impact Assessment Results: Quito, Ecuador

Year: 2024

Authors:  Eetu Wallius, Elina Aittoniemi, Carlos Lamuela Orta, Grace Lopez, Maria Rosa Munoz, Lorena Saavedra, Merja Penttinen, Anne Silla, Guilhermina Torrao, Anu Tuominen

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Impact Assessment Result: Kathmandu, Nepal

Year: 2024

Authors: George Panagakos, Shritu Shrestha, Abhisek Karki, Bhupendra Das, Bijay Thapa, Shankar Sharma, Bhushan Tuladhar, Janak Risal, Gaurab Raj

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Impact Assessment Results: Kigali, Rwanda

Year: 2024

Authors:  Talat Munshi, Subash Dhar

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Impact Assessment Result: Hamburg, Germany

Year: 2024

Authors: Stefan Werland, Kevin Kulle, Elem Güzel, Manfred Rosenberger

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Impact Assessment Results: Nanjing, China

Year: 2024

Authors:  Xianli Zhu, James Xu, Liu HE, Li WAN, Qian GONG

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City Roadmap for e-mobility: Uptake of EV in urban areas of Uruguay

Year: 2023

Authors:  Federico Calvello, Maria Rosa Munoz, Juan Pedro Carriquiry

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Impact Assessment Results: Overview

Year: 2024

Authors:  George Panagokos, Subash Dhar, Bachtijar Ashari, Naressa Saripada, Mirko Goletz, Eetu Wallius, Stefan Werland, Alis Steiner, Xianli Zhu

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Scaling the Use of Electric Bicycles for Urban Deliveries in Dar es Salaam

Year: 2024

Authors:  Paschal Giki, Vera-Marie Andrieu, Emilie Martin

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E-Mobility Policy Advice Paper for the Ministry of Works and Transport Tanzania

Year: 2024

Authors:  UN-Habitat

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Scale-up concept note: Scaling sustainable and electric urban mobility in Dar es Salaam

Year: 2024

Authors:  UN-Habitat, UNEP, ITDP Africa, DART, DLR

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Scale up Project Concept in Kathmandu

Year: 2024

Authors:  DTU, WI, CAA, UEMI

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East Africa´s Policy and Stakeholder Integration of Informal Operators in Electric Mobility Transitions in Kigali, Nairobi, Kusumu and Dar es Salaam

Year: 2022

Authors:  Galuszka, J., Martin, E., Nkurunziza, A., Achieng´ Oginga, J., Teko, E., Lah, O.

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Motorcycle taxis in transition? Review of digitalization and electrification trends in selected East African capital cities

Year: 2023

Authors:  Martin, E., Courtright, T., Nkurunziza, A., Lah, O. 

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Scale-up concept note: Scaling gender inclusive electric motorcycles in Kigali

Year: 2024

Authors:  City of Kigali, UN-Habitat, ITDP Africa, DART, DLR

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Scale-up concept note: Scaling up sector coupling solutions in Kigali to reinfoce the mobility-energy-resources nexus

Year: 2024

Authors:  City of Kigali, UNEP, UN-Habitat, ITDP Africa, DART, DLR

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Final Report: Feasibility assessment to electrify feeder three-wheeled vehicles in Dar es Salaam

Year: 2023

Authors:  Martin, E.; Andrieu, V. ,Senyagwa, J., Hasselwander, Goletz, M., Rweleza, D., Bwatota, N., Kalugendo, F., Mugusi, D., Shauri, J., Birungi, C., Gitau, G., Kost, C.

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Data Collection of ICE three-wheelers in Dar es Salaam

Year: 2023

Authors:  SOL+ Partners

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City Roadmap for E-Mobility: MADRID

Year: 2024

Authors:  Sergio Fernández Balaguer, César Omar Chacón - EMT Madrid

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Policy Advice Paper

Review of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location Methods

Year: 2024

Authors:  Fadel da Costa, Antonio 

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.

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Integration is Key: 

The role of electric mobility for low-carbon and sustainable cities

Year: 2023

Authors:  Urban Pathways, UEMI, ERTRAC, SOLUTIONSplus

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User Needs Assessments: Hamburg, Madrid, Quito, Montevideo, Pasig, Hanoi, Kathmandu, Kigali, Dar es Salaam

Year: 2023

Authors:  SOL+ partners

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Pre-feasibility assessment for Mobility as a Service implementation in Kathmandu

Year: 2023

Authors:  Anders Ortving, Mads Brodthagen, George Panagakos, Michael Bruhn Barfod

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The Other Side of the (Policy) Coin: Analyzing Exnovation Policies for the Urban Mobility Transition in Eight Cities around the Globe

Year: 2023

Authors:  Graaf, L; Werland, S.; Lah, O.; Mejia, Al, Munoz Barriga, M.R.; Nyuyen, H.T.T.; Teko, E.; Shrestha, S.

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E-Mobility & Mode Diversity

Year: 2023

Authors:  Carlos F Pardo, Alexander Koerner, Annika Berlin

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African Electric Bicycles Start-up Booklet

Year: 2023

Authors: Emilie Martin, Paschal Giki, Vera-Marie Andrieu, Judith Owigar, Annika Berlin

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Year: 2023

Authors: Emilie Martin, Vera-Marie Andrieu, Judith Owigar, Annika Berlin, Moise Bitangaza, Clive Irambona 

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Year: 2023

Authors: Jakub Galuszka

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Policy Advice Paper

Year: 2023

Authors: Emilie Martin, Christopher Kost, Janene Tuniz, Dominique Breuil, Kennedy Wamukuru, Daniel Munene, Moise Bitangaza, Gashaw Aberra, Remy Ruberambuga

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Policy Advice Paper

Year: 2023

Authors: Gerard Barris, Guillem Badia, Santiago Obiols, Bernat Serra, Edwin Bestebreurtje, Floris Jousma, Jyoti Prasad Painuly, Wim Elshout, Vedaste Mazimpaka, Christopher Kost, Emilie Martin, Moise Bitangaza, Judith Oginga Martins, Edmund Teko, Oliver Lah, Judith Anne Adem Owigar, Amos Mwangi, Alexander Koerner, Yeonju Jeong


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875041. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

©2024 by UEMI gGmbH

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