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2021: regional training program

Latin America Regional Workshop on Light Electric Mobility


Module 1

Regulatory Framework for Electric Vehicles

Latin America Regional Workshop on Light Electric Mobility


Módulo 1


Marco regulatorio para vehículos eléctricos

Latin America Regional Workshop on Light Electric Mobility

Module 2

Planning for low-carbon urban logistics

Latin America Regional Workshop on Light Electric Mobility

Módulo 2


Logística urbana baja en carbono 

Global E-Learning Programme


Course 1

Electric mobility: More than just electrifying cars

Asian Regional Training on E-Mobility


Regional Kick-off Meeting & Introduction to E-Mobility and its Ecosystem

Electric Vehicles: Policy and Regulation

Charging Infrastructure: Characteristics, Planning, Policy and Operations

19 - 21 October 2021

Kathmandu City Training


E-Mobility: Policies and Planning

EV technology: Operation, Maintenance and Retrofitting

Planning for EV Charging Infrastructure

On-site visit: Insights on EV technology and charging systems

26 - 29 October 2021

Hanoi City Training

Planning and implementation of Low Emission Zone
Management of operation and maintenance of EVs
Management instruments in Hanoi for promoting e-mobility
Planning for EV charging infrastructure

2 - 5 November 2021

Pasig City Training


Operation and Maintenance of EVs 
Regulatory Framework at Local Level
Planning for EV Charging Infrastructure in Pasig
Raising Awareness for E-Mobility

9 - 12 November 2021

Kathmandu City Training


E-Mobility: Policies and Planning

EV technology: Operation, Maintenance and Retrofitting

Planning for EV Charging Infrastructure

On-site visit: Insights on EV technology and charging systems

26 - 29 October 2021


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875041. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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