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29th and 30th November 2022: National Training on E-mobility in Hanoi city

The SOLUTIONSplus project and UNDP jointly conducted a “National Training on E-Mobility” in Hanoi city from 29th–30th November 2022 to support the Government of Vietnam in integrating electric mobility into existing transport and city development plan to contribute to the Net Zero emission target, and to implement mitigation measures from the transport sector noted in Vietnam’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).


The training focused on integrating e-mobility into planning, the electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, which was covered on the first day, as well as electrification of urban transport, which was covered on the second day.


The lecturers on the first day introduced policies, tools and framework to establish the interlinkages between e-mobility and the existing plans, action plan of transport sector and the city level measures, NDC, green energy transition and climate change mitigation. The training session sensitized the audience on technical specifications and requirements for electric vehicle and charging infrastructure, including its planning and establishment, operation and maintenance. The session allowed the audience to discuss various factors for consideration while establishing the technical standards and policies for EVs and related infrastructure in pursuing e-mobility development in Vietnam. 


On the second day, the presenters trained the participants on the development of business models to promote e-mobility in urban areas, as well as on the roles of different stakeholder groups in this transition. The audience learned about the charging infrastructure development, the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for e-mobility, the potential of shared electric two-wheelers for last-mile connectivity in Hanoi, e-mobility transition pursued at city-level and the role of local government on EV charging development.  


National and international experts contributed to the training, such as Hanoi University of Transport Technology (UTT), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Clean Air Asia, TNO and FIER from the Netherlands, CODATU from France, CRF from Italy, National Energy Technology Center (ENTEC, Thailand), Transport Development and Strategy Institute (TDSI), DHEMAX from Chile, and ITDP China.


A total of 103 participants joined the 2-day training in Hanoi, with 69 in-person attendees and 34 online attendees. Most attendees represent the government agencies, such as the Department of Science, Technology and Environment of the Ministry of Transport, Vietnam Register, Institute of Strategy and Transport Development, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Institute of Energy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Department for Roads of Vietnam, and Vietnam Standards and Quality Institute of the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality.


Local governments in Vietnam were also represented, including Hanoi Public Transport Management Center, Ho Chi Minh City's Public Transport Management Center, Hue's Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho's Department of Transportation, and the Committee Division of Hanoi People's Committee.


Representatives from the research and academic institutions also joined training, such as the SOLUTIONSplus partner University of Transport Technology, Center of Regional and Urban Studies in Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City Institute for Development Studies, Hue Institute for Development Studies, Hue University of Economics, Vietnam National University-University of Science in Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City's Vietnam National University’s Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Transport and Communications in Hanoi, Fulbright University Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City Open University, and ThuongMai University


The event also welcomed representatives from the private sector, such as Vietnam Honda Co., Vietnam Energy and Environment Consultancy JSC (VNEEC), Selex Motors, Center for Electronic Measuring Equipment Manufacturing in Central Vietnam (EVNCPC EMEC), Vietnam Sustainability Social Enterprise (VSSE), among others.


Topics covered on National E-mobility Training


  • Integrating or aligning e-mobility with existing plans and policies 

  • Policy instruments for stimulating e-mobility (demand and supply)

  • EV classification, features, and technical specifications

  • Operation and maintenance of EVs

  • Battery-swapping (technical standards, policies)

  • Charging infrastructure (technical requirements and policy framework)

  • Charging infrastructure development in Vietnam: Main barriers

  • Role of local government on EV charging development – Case of Thailand 

  • E-mobility transition at city-level: Roles, applications, and policy options

  • Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for e-mobility

  • Learnings from implementation pilots on the deployment of electric trucks

  • Exploring sharing systems for Hanoi: Case of electric two-wheelers

  • Electric two-wheeler-sharing model – Case of Chinalectric bus model – Case of Chile

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28th November 2022: Workshop on Impact Assessment of Hanoi EV demonstration

SOLUTIONSplus organized a workshop on 28th November 2022 to carry out the impact assessment of the shared e-2 wheelers demonstration actions in Hanoi. Ten local stakeholders representing the Department of Science, Transport Development & Strategy Institute of the Ministry of Transport (MOT), Department of Science, Tech & Environment – MOT, National Traffic Safety Committee, Hanoi Department of Transport (DOT), Hanoi Public Transport Management Center, Transerco, Department of National Resources & Environment, QiQ, AEON Mall Ha Dong, and RCEE Energy & Environment Joint Stock Company joined the SOLUTIONSplus consortium partners (Wuppertal Institute, Urban Electric Mobility Initiative [UEMI], TNO, CODATU, Hanoi University of Transport Technology [UTT] and Clean Air Asia) in the session held in UTT.


The workshop on impact assessment of the Hanoi pilot demonstration became an avenue to meet the following objectives:

1) Raise the awareness of shared e-mopeds assessment and its importance;

2) Inform the stakeholders on the methodology, status and targeted outcome of the impact assessment;

3) Empower the stakeholders to contribute by providing feedback, set key performance indicators (KPI) priorities, and;

4) Share information and feedback on the pilot and operating environment in Hanoi with the impact assessment team.

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28th November 2022: Shared e-moped demo Launch in Hanoi

On the 28th of November 2022, the pilot project for last-mile connectivity was launched in Hanoi to offer a connection between a BRT Station (Van Khe) and the AEON Mall in Ha Dong using electric two-wheelers. The pilot demonstration, which initially covers 2 km, is to be supported by a newly built app, V-Share, and the ambition is to gradually replace the shuttle service currently provided by diesel-run vans with an electric 2-wheeler-sharing or bike-sharing program.


The service is available for the use of the public for free for six months. Three types of two-wheelers are made available for the project: e-mopeds from Vietnamese manufacturer VinFast (Ludo); e-mopeds from Chinese manufacturer TailG, and; e-bikes from Vietnamese start-up QiQ.


The pilot launch was held outside of AEON Mall in Ha Dong and was led by SOLUTIONSplus local partner the University of Transport Technology (UTT) Hanoi. The event was graced by official representatives from the National Assembly, the National Traffic Committee, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Hanoi Department of Transport. The event was also attended by representatives from UNEP, SOLUTIONSplus project partners (Clean Air Asia, Wuppertal Institute, Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI), TNO, and CODATU), the manufacturers, the Ministry of Transport, Hanoi DOT, UNDP Vietnam, GIZ Vietnam, Associations of Vietnamese Manufacturers and of Electric Vehicles, AEON Mall.

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National Workshop in Vietnam, 20th October 2022

The SOLUTIONSplus project supported National Workshop on E-mobility in October 2022 (online) as a technical contributor, represented by SOLUTIONSplus consortium partner, Clean Air Asia, with a presentation on international case studies on e-mobility.


It was during this session when, the SOLUTIONSplus, introduced the project in a relatively high-level event participated by various cities, with a presentation from Mr. Le Anh Tuan – Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transport. The event was also graced by representatives from various departments of MOT, Vietnam Register, Ministry of Industry and Trade MoIT, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MONRE, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology MOST, Department of Transport from major cities in Vietnam, from universities, professional associations, private companies (Vinfast, Honda, Toyota, Yamaha, Mercedes, among others). The workshop had a total of 107 participants (45 female).


For more information about the event in Hanoi on October 26, 2022, visit the following links:


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875041. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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